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As part of the construction industry, which is responsible for a quarter of the waste that ends up in landfill globally, we have a responsibility to implement strategies to reduce our environmental impact. Our focus has been on utilising solar power, reducing paper waste, reducing plastic waste, controlling e-waste, saving energy, exploring strategies to recycle polishing material, and implementing a waste management system throughout our factory premises in the Kingdom of Bahrain. These are a few initial steps we have taken to develop a sustainable ecosystem within the organisation, hoping it could make a small change in the ecosystem at large.


Havelock One Sustainability Report 2022

In 2022 we launched our first in-depth sustainability report, in which we set sustainability goals, which focused on waste reduction and management, saving energy, responsible procurement, health, safety and environment and our people. We publish our sustainability report annually to respond to our stakeholders’ concerns and simultaneously communicate how the company is progressing regarding its sustainable goals, finances and leveraging opportunities. We are committed to reducing our carbon footprint, improving energy efficiency, creating a more sustainable workplace environment and paving the way towards reaching our sustainability goals.

We recognise our responsibility to save energy by using renewable sources and minimise emissions from our operations. We are focused on ensuring a safe working environment for all our employees through health and safety protocols. Furthermore, we strive for responsible procurement practices that prioritise ethical and planet friendly sourcing.

Havelock One Sustainability Report 2022

We are proud to announce the release of our 2022 Sustainability Report. This report outlines our commitment to sustainability and responsibility in the fit out industry. We have set ambitious goals for ourselves and are committed to achieving them by the end of 2023. The report illustrates how we have been investing in training and development for our people in order to ensure they remain at the forefront of sustainability efforts within the fit out industry.

The report depicts the progress we’ve made in achieving sustainability goals by adopting effective measures and highlights all the steps we have taken over the past year to ensure that we are operating in a more environmentally friendly way.  The 2022 Sustainability Report is a testament on how we are actively working towards creating a more sustainable future for the fit out industry.

Havelock One Sustainability Report 2022

